Once your kids are settled in, come back out to the lobby and then head into our worship center through the red doors. This time is used to worship the Lord together, hear the truth from God's Word, take communion, and observe baptism.
Feel free to park in any one of our designated guest parking spaces! Our Sunday morning worship gathering begins at 10am but someone will be ready to greet you and hold the door for you as early as 9:35am
Just inside the front doors, you'll find the Next Steps Booth where one of our partners will be ready to greet you, help you get oriented inside, and invite you into all that is happening that day. Let us know you're coming by filling out a connect card!
Head over to the Mission Café to grab a cup of coffee (on us!) and check out our resource center. This space is designed for people to connect with each other and grow as disciples of Jesus who are making disciples of Jesus
If you have kids, now is a great time to turn the corner and get them signed in to their class. We provide discipleship opportunities for kids through 5th grade every Sunday
We are located at
3404 Gillionville Road, Albany, GA
Listen to the latest sermon from Greenbriar Church!

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